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Tell me about your last visit

Would you please review my services during your last visit? This will help many others like you who need my help.


The page displayed below is from an external website and your review will be published on that site. 

If you cant see the page, then please click here to launch the external review website in a new window.

Clinic Information

Wednesdays: 4 pm to 7 pm

Runnymede Hospital

Chertsey KT16  0RQ

Surrey, United Kingdom


Saturdays: 9 am to 12 noon

Online via Video Conference

Medical Secretary
Ms Debra Hedges
Phone: 07802 616485

Spire Clark Park Hospital

Crondall Ln,

Farnham GU10 5XX

Saturday9 am to 12 pm

website designed and maintained by Aqualeo Limited

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